# 2023-12-24
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you and your families to have a good health, be creative and productive, let all your projects be a success! Let the year of 2024 be the year of Ukrainian victory! Let it bring wellbeing and peace, let it bring happiness and light in our lives!
# 2022-12-29
Happy New Year 2023 and Merry Christmas!
With all our heart, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you strong health, creative spirit and family comfort! Let the coming year of 2023 be the year of Ukrainian Victory! Let the coming year bring peace, well-being, prosperity, success in business and wisdom in everyday life!
# 2022-02-24
Office operation mode during martial law
Dear clients and colleagues! Starting from the 24th of February of 2022, due to the unprecedented Russian invasion of Ukraine our office works in remote limited mode. The safety of our personnel and clients are our priority. We will inform you about future changes in this situation according to subsequent events and conditions. In urgent […]
# 2021-07-16
Happy Accountant and Auditor’s Day of Ukraine!
Dear colleagues! Pleased to congratulate you with Accounting and Auditor`s Day! Enjoy your profession and remember, success comes to only those who work hard for it!
# 2021-03-07
Happy Womens Day 8 March
Dear women, let us congratulate you with the famous spring holiday – International Women’s Day!🌷🌷🌷 Our sincerely wishes of happiness, health, success, prosperity and wonderful spring mood!
# 2020-12-30
Happy New Year – 2021!
# 2019-10-30
Система фінансової звітності «Єдине вікно» в форматі XBRL
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. З 2020 року почне функціонувати система фінансової звітності (далі СФО). СФО буде «Єдиним вікном» для подання фінансової звітності підприємствами суспільного інтересу в […]
# 2019-09-30
PKF 50th Anniversary
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. У вересні місяці Мережа PKF відзначила 50-ту річницю. На святкуванні зустрілися понад 200 членів з усього світу, що мають одну спільну мету: […]
# 2019-07-15
(Українська) Вітаємо з Днем бухгалтера та аудитора
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Шановні партнери, колеги та друзі! Команда компанії “ПКФ УКРАЇНА” щиро вітає Вас із професійним святом – Днем бухгалтера та аудитора, який […]
# 2019-07-01
First issue TAX&LAW weekly digest
«TAX&LAW weekly digest» 19-06-27_PKF_ TaxLaw_digest_ JUNE